28.09.2024 11:02
Item received
27.09.2024 03:18
The item has arrived in the country of destination
25.09.2024 19:34
Your parcel arrives at the airport of the country of origin
24.09.2024 11:50
Arrival at the Destination
CA, TRACY, 95304
23.09.2024 04:06
Flight departed
21.09.2024 20:22
Departure from outward office of exchange
Fuzhou International Mail Processing Center, Fuzhou city
20.09.2024 12:38
[international business branch office] has received, postman:, phone:15626211295
Huludao city mail processing , Huludao city
19.09.2024 04:54
Received by the carrier
J.K.Pur S.O
17.09.2024 21:10
Departed Asendia facility
operational department, BeijingCity
16.09.2024 13:26
Arrived at airport of destination
15.09.2024 05:42
Accepted at USPS Origin Facility
13.09.2024 21:58
Arrived at destination
12.09.2024 14:14
Flight Departure
US, Asendia US (Los Angeles)
11.09.2024 06:30
Processed Through Facility
Xiamen International Mail Processing Center, Xiamen
09.09.2024 22:46
Item received
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou
08.09.2024 15:02
Export clearance success
07.09.2024 07:18
[Shenzhen international bulk processing center] has received, postman: receiving 8, phone:13410082550
MPCM Counter Shahjhanpur RMS
Tracking numbers examples: